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Bible Bowl

​Our youth participates in West Kentucky Bible Bowl every Spring. A great opportunity to intently study a specific book for some fun entertainment New Concord youth always score in the outstanding bracket! 


​A special Homecoming Sunday where we bring in a preacher from our past years as a congregation; and we worship the Lord, eat a HUGE meal, and invite members, guest, and families who have been apart of this special congregation over the years! 


Men & Ladies Retreats

A time for a retreat from the world to spend time with God and those who place Him first. Come be apart of these special times with us.

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One of our favorite Fall events is our annual Trunk or Treat. The congregation sets up a huge circle of cars and we fill the trunks full of candy for the youth and the community to come enjoy some Halloween festivities. It is always accompanied by silly costumes worn by attendees!

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?


A fun night of fellowship with your brothers an sisters as we visit each other in our homes. The big surprise, you don't know who is going to show up.

Church Events And Activities

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